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TrackIt Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the TrackIt product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Reviewing
Created by Chris Radomski
Created on Sep 23, 2021

Separate the schedule and time card sort by option and add option "Man / Pay Hours" to the time cards sort by.

A two part request to add “Man / Pay Hours” to the sort by field in payroll setup. Since Schedule does not handle any field with “Man / Pay Hours” first they would like to separate the “Schedule an Time Cards Sorted By:” field in the payroll setup (Main>Payroll>Setup>Payroll Setup)

This will help them schedule their drivers, so they do not go over their 60hr driving hours for DOT Regulations.

  • Attach files
  • Chris Radomski
    Sep 23, 2021

    Pictures to help describe request