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TrackIt Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the TrackIt product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.


User Setup/Permissions

Showing 2

Hot Spot permission distinguish between jobs and plants

There is currently only a permission to edit all hot spots. We would like a specific hot spot functionality to allow some users to only edit job hot spots, but not plant hot spots.
Jennifer Nicholas about 6 years ago in User Setup/Permissions 3 Shipped

Ability to disable "Find Truck" on driver tablets - to hide other truck's location on tablets

The ability for the drivers to see other trucks locations causes drivers to "hang out" and wait so that they do not have to do additional loads, among other issues. In our case, the drivers do not need to see what other drivers are doing.
Adam France about 5 years ago in User Setup/Permissions 3 Shipped