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TrackIt Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the TrackIt product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.


Pinned ideas

PINNED Weekly Time Cards - option to sort by last name
The employee list will only sort by the employee # default or by first name. There isn't an option to sort by last name and this makes it difficult to find employees in a consistent manner.
PINNED Individual Payroll Hours Viewable
Is there a way or an option for Site users to only be able to access their own hours or selected peoples hours instead of giving them access to everyone in the company's hours.? I have some batchmen who login and logout thru the website and are no...


Showing 48

TrackIt message received alert in CommandTrack

We would like to see an integration between TrackIt and CommandTrack that would notify the dispatcher when a message has been received from a driver in the CommandTrack screen. While there is an audible alert that plays if you have TrackIt open in...
Steve Lindley almost 6 years ago in TrackIt Settings 0 Future consideration

Keep Ticket Active during driver shift changes within same truck

A few customers work 24/7 and have different shifts for drivers. Dispatchers will create tickets and assign them to vehicles during a shift change. Currently, Driver A would clock out of Truck A when a ticket is dispatched to this vehicle and Driv...
Daniel Villagomez almost 6 years ago in Status setup 1 Future consideration

CAI DRCI import into TrackIt Schedule

We are installing Optimization. Is there a way to import DRCI from CommandSeries/Optimization to TrackIt Schedule? This would eliminate double entry and allow us to continue to use TrackIt as our preferred schedule delivery method.
Keian Roudebush almost 6 years ago in Integration with Dispatch System 1 Future consideration

Aina Mic Integration - use secondary PTT button

Designate the secondary push to talk button on the Aina mic to the order channel.
Marco Adamo about 6 years ago in Integration setup 0 Future consideration

Update driver in Integra to match who logs into TrackIt tablet

Make it so that Integra dispatch changes the driver of a truck when that driver logs into the truck. As in if a driver logs into the truck of a different driver that is not there.
Waylon Woodcock about 5 years ago in Integration with Dispatch System 0 Future consideration

Add a field in status question to specified Truck Type or a plant

Could you add a field in the creation of a status question to specified what kind of equipment or related to a plant, so the question is automatically ask at a specific truck type for a selected status. Ex : Status adjustment after getting loaded,...
Guillaume Bezeau over 5 years ago in Status setup 2 Future consideration

Use device movement to status

As an example: A truck in Begin Pour that triggers device movement would status End Pour/Wash. Obviously, this feature could be used for other scenarios.
Keian Roudebush over 5 years ago in Status setup 6 Future consideration

Turn off Zello auto-reply switching feature

I would like the ability to turn off Zello's feature of switching the driver's channel to the user/channel that last transmitted.
Andy Ooi almost 6 years ago in Trackit Talk 0 Future consideration

Report IP address of Web Login

We would like to report on the IP address of the web login employee. We currently use touchscreen Kiosks with the TrackIt employee login web page. We would like to monitor which kiosks are actively being used. We would also like to know the locati...
Keian Roudebush over 4 years ago in TrackIt Reports 1 Future consideration

Web hooks

We would like the ability to utilize web hooks so that we can get real-time clock-in and clock-out punches pushed into our payroll API. Also, Web hooks would help us create real-time fleet health, troubleshooting and efficiency apps.
Keian Roudebush about 6 years ago in TrackIt Reports 0 Future consideration