The idea would be the ability to run the GPS fix report and then send a link (to the report with the specified parameters) to a list of email recipients. The recipient would click on the link and can view the playback as it works in the GPS fix re...
Mark Matthews
about 6 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
Add Equipment Home Plant to Alert Notifications that are reporting an Equipment Number
Request to add the Home Plant to a question alert for Equipment Alert notification and any Alert that has an Equipment number. Example Subject: [EXTERNAL](Critical) Question Alert for Equipment # : 73. Question : Are You Currently Experiencing Tab...
Andrew Eger
about 4 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
We would like to report on the IP address of the web login employee. We currently use touchscreen Kiosks with the TrackIt employee login web page. We would like to monitor which kiosks are actively being used. We would also like to know the locati...
Keian Roudebush
over 4 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
We would like the ability to utilize web hooks so that we can get real-time clock-in and clock-out punches pushed into our payroll API. Also, Web hooks would help us create real-time fleet health, troubleshooting and efficiency apps.
Keian Roudebush
about 6 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
Add the ability to send multiple small load tickets to same truck & all tickets remain active in TRACKIT.
To maintain the highest truck efficiency possible we send small loads on the same truck if for the same customer whenever possible. Example: 3 trucks are loaded with 10 yard loads for driveways by Builder Bob at Lot 1 PO# 34, Lot 2 PO# 56 and Lot ...
Donna Rollins
over 5 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
Capability to schedule reports to run daily, weekly, monthly. Specifically engine signal to help maintain the fleet health.
- most likely run this capability through a service for the automation.
Jennifer Nicholas
almost 6 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
Reports need to be adapted for showing result of a question status that has been remove.
The reports are broken right are now, its impossible to see the answer of a question status if the question has been removed. Report shouldn’t not be related to actual valid list question but should show all questions that was asked and answer in ...
Guillaume Bezeau
over 5 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration
With the new dashboard it would be nice to be able to filter the plant / job wait and load / unload times by the equipment type as we have multiple types of equipment which deliver ready mix, aggregates, and asphalt products on one site.
No description provided
Chance Oman
about 3 years ago
in TrackIt Reports
Future consideration