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TrackIt Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the TrackIt product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.


Pinned ideas

PINNED Individual Payroll Hours Viewable
Is there a way or an option for Site users to only be able to access their own hours or selected peoples hours instead of giving them access to everyone in the company's hours.? I have some batchmen who login and logout thru the website and are no...
PINNED Weekly Time Cards - option to sort by last name
The employee list will only sort by the employee # default or by first name. There isn't an option to sort by last name and this makes it difficult to find employees in a consistent manner.


Showing 26

Audible alert for ticketed status on the tablet

Add an audible alert that is played by the tablet when a ticket is received from dispatch.
Wesley Blalock over 3 years ago in TrackIt Android Application 2 Shipped

Add a read receipt for start times to be sent to selected employees ( dispatch / batch) to show that drivers received and read their start time.

A read receipt would help eliminate drivers not showing up on time due to either not receiving a start time or making the excuse that they never received one.
Keith Rice over 5 years ago in Scheduling 4 Shipped

Plant Hotspot multi-purpose

We have to draw multiple geofences around the same plant for each status loop. Can we have a permanent hotspot that multiple status loops are assigned?
Keian Roudebush about 6 years ago in TrackIt Equipment Map 5 Shipped

Display to Driver when no cellular connection on tablet

Would be useful to the driver if they knew by an alert on their tablet that they have lost connection on tablet and may need restarted so they don't try and send messages and wonder why nobody has answered them.
Rich Greeley about 6 years ago in Driver Performance 2 Shipped

Identify Typos on manual engine hours/odometer entry

Our drivers sometimes "fat-finger" the engine hours or odometer and that causes reporting to get messed up. It would be great to have some kind of validation to warn the driver when the odometer being entered looks wrong based on the previous entry.
Mark Matthews about 6 years ago in TrackIt Android Application 0 Shipped

Be able to Message Employees instead of Vehicles

I would like to see the option of messaging employees from the dispatch summary map page. When you click modify; employees and employee groups should be a choice more than the equipment grouping. Messaging employees offline for back office reas...
Jason Perry about 6 years ago in TrackIt Equipment Map 1 Shipped

Truck Line up widget on tablets

Drivers are often in their trucks and unaware of the line up for the trucks unless they contact the batch man or dispatch. A great idea would be to add a "line up" widget to the tablet so the drivers would know this information without having to r...
Guest almost 2 years ago in NEW TrackIt Landing Page & Widgets 2 Shipped

Hot Spot permission distinguish between jobs and plants

There is currently only a permission to edit all hot spots. We would like a specific hot spot functionality to allow some users to only edit job hot spots, but not plant hot spots.
Jennifer Nicholas about 6 years ago in User Setup/Permissions 3 Shipped

Display drivers daily and weekly hours within the app

Can you make the Trackit app have an hours piece in the sub menu to where the driver that is logged in would be able to view their daily and weekly total hours ?
Craig Thornton over 5 years ago in TrackIt Android Application 5 Shipped

Messages to drivers should show who sent it

With multiple dispatchers in our office, it would be helpful for any message that is sent out to drivers have a "sent by" tag.
Tracey Dawson almost 5 years ago in Documentation 0 Shipped